Mr. Isaiah Martinez

4th Grade Teacher

Hello, my name is Isaiah Martinez and I’m super excited to say I’ll be teaching 4th grade this upcoming school year!

I am married to my amazing wife, Madison, and we had our little man Ezekiel on February 23rd, 2024. I graduated from Fresno State University and work also as a Youth Leader at Fourth Street Church in Madera! One my favorite things to do is lead ministry with my family and teach The Word to the next generation. Besides work, I love grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting at the nearest Starbucks, playing the guitar, or heading to the beach with my family. It is an honor to be working at Crossroads, a school that takes care of its staff, faculty, and most importantly their students.

My hope in teaching here is that I’ll be able to effectively share The Good News with the students, but also to set an example to love others as Christ loved.

My favorite verse is Psalm 19:14 which states,”Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer.” A constant reminder of where I want my focus to be.

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